Why Should You Choose Brush and Ladder Painting?
What makes us different?
Company owner paints and works on all jobs.
You do not pay us until your job is complete. No up front deposits, draws, or scheduled payments. Just pay upon completion.
We will start your job on the day that we commit to. We don’t shuffle our schedule around, which could cause delays in starting your job.
We wash your home thoroughly with a bleach solution to clean and kill any and all types of fungus.
We paint by hand with brushes and rollers.
We scrape all loose paint off by hand. We do not use any kind of power tool. All work is done by hand.
We clean up as we go. As we finish a section of your home, we clean it up. This minimizes mess, clutter, and inconvenience to your family.
We use a lot of caulk. All joints, cracks, seams, around windows, doors, and any other areas that should be caulked, will be caulked, correctly.
All surfaces will be sanded smooth by hand for bonding purposes. This includes windows, doors, shutters, and any other surfaces that will be painted.
We use only the finest primers and paints. My discounted contractor’s prices will be passed on to you without any markup of any kind.
We are true Cincinnati professionals with over 20 years experience!
Fully Insured.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to to provide to our customers a paint job at a good value, that strives for perfection, using the finest materials available, applied properly and professionally, by a group of guys whose goal is complete customer satisfaction, as well as an enjoyable overall experience.